Not Random at All


I am in awe of all that God does in my life every single day that could seem random but isn’t.

Here’s the latest in seemingly random connections that bring joy and blessing. 

I’m in the copyediting phase of my author journey and had the opportunity to meet my copyeditor via Zoom. In the course of our conversation, I learned that my book is the first contract she’s had with my publisher. 

The copy editor originally lined up couldn’t do the book because of a death in his family. He asked my now editor Kate’s Facebook colleague if she could do it and her schedule was full. She posted it on Facebook and Kate just happened to be scrolling when her post went up. And she was available to answer Kate’s private message immediately and the person hiring was available to answer Kate’s email within an hour.

Kate landed the work, which is how my book ended up in her shop. 

When Kate shared this story, it reminded me of another significant experience of everything lining up with the right timing to bring about joy and blessing. 

These coincidences began what we know will be a beautiful professional friend relationship that will enrich us both on several levels.

Nearly 30 years ago, married only a few months, my husband and I decided to move to Illinois to attend graduate school. We had no jobs lined up, no housing plans, only the hope of a scholarship. We had little savings. Compared to where we were living in Ohio, the rent prices in Wheaton seemed astronomical, so we reverted to the grad school’s recommended housing list, which included rooms for rent in family’s homes and other lower-cost living options. 

I started calling through the list. With the start of the semester only weeks away, every call seemed a dead end. All the housing had already been booked.

Then Carol picked up my call. Hesitant at first, she eventually told me she could offer us a room to rent. The day before, the planned tenant had changed plans. The next day, she had planned to offer the room to someone else. I happened to call on the only day that summer when her answer could be yes. 

When we arrived at the Knosp family home, their three young children greeted us with a hand-drawn sign: “Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Robinson.” We all sat down to a home-cooked dinner, and Carol, while patiently dealing with her three-year-old’s tantrum, scooped vanilla ice cream for dessert. Over two years of living in the Knosp basement, the family became like family to us. Although our contact has been sporadic in recent years, Laura, the Knosp’s oldest daughter, has worked for my company intermittently and has become an important professional colleague in addition to being a great friend. 

Here’s one more: More than 10 years ago, when our family moved to Michigan, we nearly bought a home in Ohio instead. We had a contract, had visited schools, and began to plan for our move when the owners decided not to sell. We bought our 2nd choice instead. 

A few weeks after we moved into our new neighborhood, lonely and anxious for my kids to meet friends, I rolled down my window to talk with a young mom (Sarah) who had a daughter who looked the same age as my kids. 12 years later, the woman I met by chance is my best friend here and her daughter is like a sister to my kids and a daughter to me. 

Both of these stories include what seems like chance encounters, the copy editor canceling due to a last-minute conflict, calling on the right day, buying a house in the right location — these small details led to long-life relationships. 

I’m grateful for God’s continued guidance in my life.

What seemingly chance encounters have aligned to bring you joy and blessing?


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Becky Robinson

About Becky Robinson

I am an entrepreneur who is energized by creating opportunities for others. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking, running, and reading.