my book

I’m a raving fan of Becky Robinson. Her new book, Reach, is a how-to guide for creators in search of an audience—but it feels like a conversation with an encouraging friend.”

Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The New One Minute Manager® and Simple Truths of Leadership

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about the book

Reach A Bigger Audience

Anyone who makes the bold decision to put their ideas out into the world wants to reach as many people as possible. Unfortunately, too many think it’s a question of numbers—the more people you can get in front of, the better. But true reach is about expanding your audience while making a meaningful and enduring difference. Reach is expanding audience AND lasting impact. 

Reach Book

awards & recognitions

Four Commitments
The Four Reach Commitments

If you want to grow reach, start with value. What value are you creating and sharing with others? To value, add generosity. Generosity ensures that the value you create is accessible to others. Give away as much as you can.

Be consistent in generously sharing value with others. Your consistency in showing up online over time will enable you to reach an expanding audience. Keep showing up over the long-haul; that’s longevity. A commitment to longevity is a commitment to lasting impact. You can’t create reach without it.

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The #1 Book Marketing Investment to Make:
A Bonus Chapter for
Readers of Reach.

My Hope For You

My hope is that Reach will be your helpful companion as you seek to make a difference with your life and work. It will take more time, energy, and resources than you might expect — anything worthwhile does — but your investment in sharing value with others will have resonance beyond your expectations. I look forward to hearing from you with any questions, comments, or stories of your success.

Becky Robinson

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Get Becky's personal letter with inspiring and practical tips that keep you connected to your audience.