Going All In

Going All In

It’s the sixth full week of the year and I’ve been running as if I’m training for a spring marathon, except that I haven’t actually registered for one. I’m hedging, giving myself a way out, holding onto a safety net. If, at this point, I...
My Favorites This Year

My Favorites This Year

I’ve done a recap of business wins this year, and my team shared a list of personal wins. This holiday season I spent some time thinking about my favorite experiences and accomplishments this year. I thought about the people who’ve made my life better this...
What If Your Goal Is Too Big?

What If Your Goal Is Too Big?

I started 2015 with a pretty big goal related to the revenue growth I hoped to achieve in my company. If we had reached it, it would have represented a 51% increase over last year. With only seven weeks left this year, it’s pretty safe to say that we won’t...
The Most Painful Feedback

The Most Painful Feedback

More than 20 years ago, I stood at my work mailbox, retrieved a page of meeting minutes, and stopped in my tracks. Someone had inadvertently shared the minutes of a meeting to which I was not invited, one in which people shared candid feedback about my performance. It...
Time For An Upgrade?

Time For An Upgrade?

A wise client and friend of mine recently encouraged me to consider that every time someone makes an exit from my company, it provides an opportunity for an upgrade. Because I value growth, this perspective makes sense to me. As our company grows, our needs change;...